Thursday, July 1, 2010

No freedom here this weekend!

Finally!! The Koha assignment is done!! Finding books at Amazon & then importing them was time consuming! My son is mad at me because school is taking so much of my time. I'm teaching him to cook, so that he can make so quick meals and snacks. I have spent more time crying in the last few months than I did when my husband died, and I'm not saying that to get sympathy. I know I didn't let myself, but the pressure has to be lessened. I am the only one my son has to look to and as a teacher I wouldn't give so vague directions and not be there to answer questions. I read the discussion boards everyday and often several times so that I can see what others have said to their problems in hopes that it will help me!
Let's see what is there to do?? In 2000 read the 3 books and minimum of 6 extra articles & write a paper, study for a quiz, read all of the materials for next week, too because I'm a discussion leader, there are over 1000 pages to read in the extra required readings, and then write questions. Then of course there are the future assignments to look forward to.
My son is allergic to milk and is going to soccer camp next week. We got the menu today, so we have to figure out what has to be made to take with him so that he has enough to eat. He is so excited and I am excited for him! He loves playing soccer. He started playing as he was beginning to walk. It is a thrill to watch him play and how excited he get's playing. The camp is where our cottage is, so I will stay there for a few days before heading to the University for the Cohort weekend. My son is excited because he gets to leave camp and go to best buddies' house. I didn't even tell him where he was going, because he would get too excited and not be able to concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing. But lots of planning goes into all of this. So, this weekend is going to be busy and we don't even have plans for the holiday. Being new to the area I still haven't been able to find out what the local festivities are. Hope you are all safe as you celebrate!

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