Thursday, July 29, 2010

Final week.....

I think I have it and doesn't work! Back to the drawing board. Work on it some more, do I have all of the files moved to the Unix?? Try again......Still not working! At 1 time I had it all together in KompoZer, now it doesn't want to work. I know it is something I'm doing or not doing that is causing the problem, but what??
Some Help Desk people are really nice!! They've given great support.
I guess it is time to see if it is working now......

Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it here or not???

I wrote a post went to publish it and it gave me an error message! Oh! Annoying....restarted and it works!! Amazing!! 555555

So let's see if I can remember what i wrote about??? We just spent 12 or so wonderful days at camp! It was great, but you get into a surreal schedule, now trying to get back into the real one. We had some really strange weather at camp. I just thought I should check to see if my post was in the log and surprise it was!!! 555555555 I guess I can get to work on some other homework now!!

I have to do some more laundry, too. My son just got a new fishing rod and he is going to want to use it soon!!
Are you working now??
Well we have had a week of strange weather! We had a lightening strike that hit the Internet tower and put me offline. I got on here and there, but nothing regular. I'm back home for awhile and my regular service. Can't believe that everything is coming down to the end. I'll be kept running to make the deadlines. Getting back into a real routine is hard after being at camp. It was a wonderful 10 days. Guess it is time to get some real work done! Have a great week!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rain! Rain! And more rain! Every time I try to get on the Internet we have a super storm!! So I can't....finally today I was able to get on, just now!! Yeah!! So the other night lightening hit a tree nearby, it blew the bark off 1 side in a big strip, and took out a big chunk on the other side. There was a big blast of light, we think some of the bark or tree parts hit the electric lines. It hit the camp phone lines and they have been off & on. It also hit the Wi-Fi!! It is down completely!! I had to use another route to get on-line.
Camp is great!! Reading and everything has been crazy. I panicked when I thought I had forgotten how to get the Dicken's page up the 2nd time, but finally got it going. YEAH!! Hopefully I be able to get on again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In the musical Oliver they sing "Food, glorious food...." and all I can think of is "Camp, glorious camp!!! I can't wait to get there! I love the stillness and quiet. I also Love the fact that I am forced to slow down. Once I get there, I don't NEED to go anywhere unless we are out of food. Of course this time I will be working on the courses, that should be fun to see me juggle. 5555555555 It is a cottage in the woods and if I remember I will take pictures of it. People keep asking me about it. It is cooler there because we are in the woods. I am normally chilly while others are thinking it is ok weather, but then IF it turns warm I'm happier and they are all exasperated because it is so HOT!!! I think I had my sweater off 1 day last summer and I was at the cottage for 2 & 1/2 months. We went out to get some more food to take to camp. I take stuff out every time I go, then I forget if it is here or there. I go to get something to eat and realize I bought it when I was there. Ugh! It is almost like Christmas unpacking all of the boxes of stuff that have been taken out there trip by trip, there was a list at one time of things that needed to be gotten and they were so the list was discarded. Then a new list was made of things that were thought of that need to go out there or need to be gotten, as they are gathered they are put aside and prepared for the next trip out. I always like to stay out there before camp starts so I can see what I forgot and make a run for it.
It is good to have the trip to Pittsburgh out of the way, but I would have loved to have gone to the Strip district to find the Thai grocery store. I will get there soon! I will be able to start the discussion board round-up tomorrow, too. Writing, writing, writing.......I feel attached to this lovely piece of equipment.
It was gratifying to be able to get the index and Dickens notes up. I think the 2nd one will be harder. Oh, but the end is in sight!! The hill may be steep, but I can see my new friend's faces cheering me son is waiting for me...I can make it through!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home! My boy is home, too!!

People.....there are real, live people on the other side of this computer, not just cyber-images! 55555 It was fun to talk to people face to face. There really wasn't enough time for just sitting and getting to know each other. That would be nice next time! I did enjoy seeing Sarantos!! Did I spell that right?? Sorry if I didn't!!
Friday night it took me 2 hours to drive what normally takes 45 mins. that was a bit upsetting!! My GPS wanted to take me through Wilkinsburg, but I'd rather take a more direct route. I found it the 2nd day in, that was a GREAT feat for me!! I swore I'd never drive in Pittsburgh! 55555555 I think I said the same thing about wanting to drive in Bangkok and I did there, too!! With lots of cajoling!!
It was so wonderful to see my son again today!!! He was at soccer camp for a week and then went to a friend's house while I was at Pitt. Hearing "Mommy!!" out of his mouth was fabulous. He had so many dirty clothes!! What a boy!! We talked all afternoon about what he had done and my favorite part!! How much he missed me!!! 55555555 I missed him, too. I will be working non-stop until we go to camp and even while we are there.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reading on iPad and Kindle Up to 10 Percent Slower Than Paper and Ink, Study Finds

Gotta love it when science proves what you feel!! I opened my Slashdot headlines and this was one of them!!,2817,2366065,00.asp

I'd say this is 1 more reason that real books should be sticking around!! Some people are disagreeing with it, but I like that it goes along with real books are better!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

We are at CAMP!!

I love my little cottage in the woods!! It is so peaceful and relaxing!! My son had to check into Soccer camp this evening, so after I studied this morning we ran to get some groceries!! Some will be for next week when we are here for Family camp!! Yeah! I can't wait. I will be juggling to get everything done, but it will be worth it! It was so peaceful the past couple of days getting stuff done, though my list is growing of things I need to bring back with me. Getting the books read, the discussion questions are done and ready to go up on the DB.
Need to study some more and get those terms stuck in my head!! I just wish I knew they wouldn't run away the minute I got to class!! Though it will be nice to see some real people for a change instead of just looking at the little box. 4 more sleeps until we all gather together!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

No freedom here this weekend!

Finally!! The Koha assignment is done!! Finding books at Amazon & then importing them was time consuming! My son is mad at me because school is taking so much of my time. I'm teaching him to cook, so that he can make so quick meals and snacks. I have spent more time crying in the last few months than I did when my husband died, and I'm not saying that to get sympathy. I know I didn't let myself, but the pressure has to be lessened. I am the only one my son has to look to and as a teacher I wouldn't give so vague directions and not be there to answer questions. I read the discussion boards everyday and often several times so that I can see what others have said to their problems in hopes that it will help me!
Let's see what is there to do?? In 2000 read the 3 books and minimum of 6 extra articles & write a paper, study for a quiz, read all of the materials for next week, too because I'm a discussion leader, there are over 1000 pages to read in the extra required readings, and then write questions. Then of course there are the future assignments to look forward to.
My son is allergic to milk and is going to soccer camp next week. We got the menu today, so we have to figure out what has to be made to take with him so that he has enough to eat. He is so excited and I am excited for him! He loves playing soccer. He started playing as he was beginning to walk. It is a thrill to watch him play and how excited he get's playing. The camp is where our cottage is, so I will stay there for a few days before heading to the University for the Cohort weekend. My son is excited because he gets to leave camp and go to best buddies' house. I didn't even tell him where he was going, because he would get too excited and not be able to concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing. But lots of planning goes into all of this. So, this weekend is going to be busy and we don't even have plans for the holiday. Being new to the area I still haven't been able to find out what the local festivities are. Hope you are all safe as you celebrate!