Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home! My boy is home, too!!

People.....there are real, live people on the other side of this computer, not just cyber-images! 55555 It was fun to talk to people face to face. There really wasn't enough time for just sitting and getting to know each other. That would be nice next time! I did enjoy seeing Sarantos!! Did I spell that right?? Sorry if I didn't!!
Friday night it took me 2 hours to drive what normally takes 45 mins. that was a bit upsetting!! My GPS wanted to take me through Wilkinsburg, but I'd rather take a more direct route. I found it the 2nd day in, that was a GREAT feat for me!! I swore I'd never drive in Pittsburgh! 55555555 I think I said the same thing about wanting to drive in Bangkok and I did there, too!! With lots of cajoling!!
It was so wonderful to see my son again today!!! He was at soccer camp for a week and then went to a friend's house while I was at Pitt. Hearing "Mommy!!" out of his mouth was fabulous. He had so many dirty clothes!! What a boy!! We talked all afternoon about what he had done and my favorite part!! How much he missed me!!! 55555555 I missed him, too. I will be working non-stop until we go to camp and even while we are there.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you! I'm glad that we have a smaller school library group, so we can stay connected a bit easier. You are an incredible inspiration for me! Good luck with the rest of these classes!
