Thursday, July 29, 2010

Final week.....

I think I have it and doesn't work! Back to the drawing board. Work on it some more, do I have all of the files moved to the Unix?? Try again......Still not working! At 1 time I had it all together in KompoZer, now it doesn't want to work. I know it is something I'm doing or not doing that is causing the problem, but what??
Some Help Desk people are really nice!! They've given great support.
I guess it is time to see if it is working now......

Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it here or not???

I wrote a post went to publish it and it gave me an error message! Oh! Annoying....restarted and it works!! Amazing!! 555555

So let's see if I can remember what i wrote about??? We just spent 12 or so wonderful days at camp! It was great, but you get into a surreal schedule, now trying to get back into the real one. We had some really strange weather at camp. I just thought I should check to see if my post was in the log and surprise it was!!! 555555555 I guess I can get to work on some other homework now!!

I have to do some more laundry, too. My son just got a new fishing rod and he is going to want to use it soon!!
Are you working now??
Well we have had a week of strange weather! We had a lightening strike that hit the Internet tower and put me offline. I got on here and there, but nothing regular. I'm back home for awhile and my regular service. Can't believe that everything is coming down to the end. I'll be kept running to make the deadlines. Getting back into a real routine is hard after being at camp. It was a wonderful 10 days. Guess it is time to get some real work done! Have a great week!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rain! Rain! And more rain! Every time I try to get on the Internet we have a super storm!! So I can't....finally today I was able to get on, just now!! Yeah!! So the other night lightening hit a tree nearby, it blew the bark off 1 side in a big strip, and took out a big chunk on the other side. There was a big blast of light, we think some of the bark or tree parts hit the electric lines. It hit the camp phone lines and they have been off & on. It also hit the Wi-Fi!! It is down completely!! I had to use another route to get on-line.
Camp is great!! Reading and everything has been crazy. I panicked when I thought I had forgotten how to get the Dicken's page up the 2nd time, but finally got it going. YEAH!! Hopefully I be able to get on again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


In the musical Oliver they sing "Food, glorious food...." and all I can think of is "Camp, glorious camp!!! I can't wait to get there! I love the stillness and quiet. I also Love the fact that I am forced to slow down. Once I get there, I don't NEED to go anywhere unless we are out of food. Of course this time I will be working on the courses, that should be fun to see me juggle. 5555555555 It is a cottage in the woods and if I remember I will take pictures of it. People keep asking me about it. It is cooler there because we are in the woods. I am normally chilly while others are thinking it is ok weather, but then IF it turns warm I'm happier and they are all exasperated because it is so HOT!!! I think I had my sweater off 1 day last summer and I was at the cottage for 2 & 1/2 months. We went out to get some more food to take to camp. I take stuff out every time I go, then I forget if it is here or there. I go to get something to eat and realize I bought it when I was there. Ugh! It is almost like Christmas unpacking all of the boxes of stuff that have been taken out there trip by trip, there was a list at one time of things that needed to be gotten and they were so the list was discarded. Then a new list was made of things that were thought of that need to go out there or need to be gotten, as they are gathered they are put aside and prepared for the next trip out. I always like to stay out there before camp starts so I can see what I forgot and make a run for it.
It is good to have the trip to Pittsburgh out of the way, but I would have loved to have gone to the Strip district to find the Thai grocery store. I will get there soon! I will be able to start the discussion board round-up tomorrow, too. Writing, writing, writing.......I feel attached to this lovely piece of equipment.
It was gratifying to be able to get the index and Dickens notes up. I think the 2nd one will be harder. Oh, but the end is in sight!! The hill may be steep, but I can see my new friend's faces cheering me son is waiting for me...I can make it through!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home! My boy is home, too!!

People.....there are real, live people on the other side of this computer, not just cyber-images! 55555 It was fun to talk to people face to face. There really wasn't enough time for just sitting and getting to know each other. That would be nice next time! I did enjoy seeing Sarantos!! Did I spell that right?? Sorry if I didn't!!
Friday night it took me 2 hours to drive what normally takes 45 mins. that was a bit upsetting!! My GPS wanted to take me through Wilkinsburg, but I'd rather take a more direct route. I found it the 2nd day in, that was a GREAT feat for me!! I swore I'd never drive in Pittsburgh! 55555555 I think I said the same thing about wanting to drive in Bangkok and I did there, too!! With lots of cajoling!!
It was so wonderful to see my son again today!!! He was at soccer camp for a week and then went to a friend's house while I was at Pitt. Hearing "Mommy!!" out of his mouth was fabulous. He had so many dirty clothes!! What a boy!! We talked all afternoon about what he had done and my favorite part!! How much he missed me!!! 55555555 I missed him, too. I will be working non-stop until we go to camp and even while we are there.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reading on iPad and Kindle Up to 10 Percent Slower Than Paper and Ink, Study Finds

Gotta love it when science proves what you feel!! I opened my Slashdot headlines and this was one of them!!,2817,2366065,00.asp

I'd say this is 1 more reason that real books should be sticking around!! Some people are disagreeing with it, but I like that it goes along with real books are better!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

We are at CAMP!!

I love my little cottage in the woods!! It is so peaceful and relaxing!! My son had to check into Soccer camp this evening, so after I studied this morning we ran to get some groceries!! Some will be for next week when we are here for Family camp!! Yeah! I can't wait. I will be juggling to get everything done, but it will be worth it! It was so peaceful the past couple of days getting stuff done, though my list is growing of things I need to bring back with me. Getting the books read, the discussion questions are done and ready to go up on the DB.
Need to study some more and get those terms stuck in my head!! I just wish I knew they wouldn't run away the minute I got to class!! Though it will be nice to see some real people for a change instead of just looking at the little box. 4 more sleeps until we all gather together!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

No freedom here this weekend!

Finally!! The Koha assignment is done!! Finding books at Amazon & then importing them was time consuming! My son is mad at me because school is taking so much of my time. I'm teaching him to cook, so that he can make so quick meals and snacks. I have spent more time crying in the last few months than I did when my husband died, and I'm not saying that to get sympathy. I know I didn't let myself, but the pressure has to be lessened. I am the only one my son has to look to and as a teacher I wouldn't give so vague directions and not be there to answer questions. I read the discussion boards everyday and often several times so that I can see what others have said to their problems in hopes that it will help me!
Let's see what is there to do?? In 2000 read the 3 books and minimum of 6 extra articles & write a paper, study for a quiz, read all of the materials for next week, too because I'm a discussion leader, there are over 1000 pages to read in the extra required readings, and then write questions. Then of course there are the future assignments to look forward to.
My son is allergic to milk and is going to soccer camp next week. We got the menu today, so we have to figure out what has to be made to take with him so that he has enough to eat. He is so excited and I am excited for him! He loves playing soccer. He started playing as he was beginning to walk. It is a thrill to watch him play and how excited he get's playing. The camp is where our cottage is, so I will stay there for a few days before heading to the University for the Cohort weekend. My son is excited because he gets to leave camp and go to best buddies' house. I didn't even tell him where he was going, because he would get too excited and not be able to concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing. But lots of planning goes into all of this. So, this weekend is going to be busy and we don't even have plans for the holiday. Being new to the area I still haven't been able to find out what the local festivities are. Hope you are all safe as you celebrate!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

WOW!! Halfway is a good feeling, but also wondering can I get everything done in the time that remains?? I know I need to read more..I'm a book-aholic, I'm having a hard time reading the required stuff it just doesn't go in as easily as the fiction stuff does.
Alex- I think I will be coming down to Pitt early. Beth- Thanks for the great website!!
A friend is in from Thailand and it was hard to get anything done today. And now there is a BBQ tomorrow! I'm working on the reading, so I guess I'd better write some more here and then read myself to sleep!! 55555555 Well, not that the book is boring or anything. I have to take some notes so I'm ready for the paper, too.
We ran to camp Friday, to see if we could check what the menu would be for Soccer camp that my son will attend. He has an allergy to milk, he was very disheartened to see the menu, I don't think there is 1 day that he doesn't have to worry about the food that is being served. We have to settle what we will take for him to eat while he is there so that he doesn't go hungry. I think this has been the hardest thing for him in our move to the states, he can't eat anything without it being homemade by me or reading the label. Even if you bought it 2 weeks ago, you have to read the label because they may have changed the ingredients. Ok, off to read some more!! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

This week's lecture was very interesting. It made me start thinking about how the cloud computing can be used for a variety of purposes and how that might help a library. Though it did make me realize there is so much out there that I don't know about in the computer world. I like the idea of using the Scopus search to automatically feed updates on a topic that I'm interested in. If I'm not mistaken we use the RSS feeds to update us on our classmates' blogs if their addresses have been put into the following section. It has made it easy to be able to check the feeds, too because they are on my blog page and also on the dashboard.
I wonder if I have run into Drupal without knowing it?? We use threaded discussions on the class DB. We are blogging here, could this be a Drupal application?
I don't know maybe I'm relaxing a bit or I don't feel as overwhelmed. I'm looking forward to the on campus weekend that is coming up. I'm not excited about the EXAM that I'll have for 2000. I guess it is time to get a move on! We have scouts tonight. Then I'll be up late reading. My son is tired of this routine. I think it maybe time to go to the cottage!! Fresh air, space to run, we'll need to get some supplies. Maybe even try fishing!!! 55555555 That should be entertaining!!! I'm a girl & don't know how to do these things!! It will be something to laugh about!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Refreshed.....relaxed..... Not having to do the ePrints assignment was a relief. I was in a hurry to pack up as I was heading to a woman's conference and my son was going to scout camp, then to my brother's house for the weekend that some papers and books weren't taken, but it didn't matter the time at the conference was so jam packed that I didn't even get to visit with my best friend very much. She was working at the conference. The conference was great and it was just what I needed. I got some special treatment because of dietary needs. So nice to be taken care of!! :) My husband was a chef and took great care in preparing excellent meals, but that has changed. My son didn't have such a great weekend, but the joy of it was he was happy to see his mom!!! He knew I would take care of him. The family picnic was nice, but there was very little that we could eat, so we left there and found a grocery store to find some food that we could eat. My son ate the whole way home. I had packed some snacks and things for him when he went to camp for the weekend, but it wasn't enough.

I spent the last 2 days reading the required readings for 2000. Well I guess I'd better get back to the Koha project and some more readings. it is all done!!!
I'm getting slashdot news in my email. It has been great getting those headlines!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Learning, learning, learning...... we are always learning. I have been frustrated with all of the NEW programs being thrown at me with little to no information about how they work or really what the expectation was. Though I'm disappointed about learning another new program, I can't say that I'm sad that the project was scrubbed!! I had thought I would try to get ahead and TRIED to work on the thing for a day with no results to show for it. Had I known it was having a bad day I would have chosen to do something that was more meaningful. The faster I run the more behind I get! or at least that's the way I feel. I would like to feel some success in all of this. I know it all ties together and I will be happy when it feels like it is coming together more.

Can you believe we got registration notices already? Wow! It feels like we just got started!! I guess that is good news. I guess I'd better get some reading done!! Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I added my own slides to the slide show!! I was happy with those results. My handsome son! These are some of the activities that we did this year. He's done a lot. He spent the day at Scout camp & I was going to get ahead on school assignments, but my electronics were working against we!! Started with Blackberry having an issue, then the computer decided to join the fun, ePrints3 thought it would be fun to join the party, too!! I didn't get a think done trying to put out fires!! I finally had had enough of ePrints when I saw the note saying not to play with it , it wasn't playing nice!!! It won't hurt my feelings if it doesn't decide to work, then we don't have to do the assignment.
A little bit more information about the programs and the homework would be nice. I'm new to all of this and trying to pick up on the vocabulary, new software, and then try to use it all at once has been really hard. I'm really not used to feeling like this and it is super hard. I've done a Masters program before and it didn't feel like this. I'm trying to suck it up and keep going.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

UGH!!! What a test!!! Then to make matters worse I started on the new assignment! I'm finding only websites. Is that right??

We've been back in the states for 1 year! Wow! My son got straight A's in school, but never had homework. Our school in Bangkok was academically more challenging. His picture was in the paper this week! The county does an Officer Phil safety presentation at the local schools in the spring and then has the students create drawings. The best one from each of the 16 schools is chosen, then the best of those is awarded the Grand prize! My son had the Grand prize!!! He got a savings bond, a sheriff's shirt, a gift card to buy a bike and bike helmet. Plus his drawing was framed with a blue ribbon! He's a local celebrity. People have been congratulating him all over town. My parents and some friends came for the presentation and after wards we went for breakfast.

I need some exercise.....I hear my running shoes calling me, well I only walk. I should try to find my son before it gets dark. Maybe I should feed him, too. I did feed him when we got home from church & then he disappeared. Oh, yeah...Mom was doing school again.
Have a great week!!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Computer geek I am NOT!! Did I get it right??

Sunday, June 6, 2010

One down, I think????

I did the wasn't too bad, quite fun in comparison to the Zotero project. I sent it off, but I'm not sure if it got there. There was another assignment that had to be uploaded and it sent you a note that it was sent, that was nice. So I sit and wonder did it really get sent???

The lecture this week was interest, but the same issue keeps arising. Online students CAN"T HEAR the prof or students without a mic!!! It was distressing trying to get the message, but not being able to hear it.
I do appreciate the vdo person!! You are doing a GREAT job trying to get some of the sound that isn't mic'd. THANKS!!! I also appreciate the way you are trying to get what is on the board for the online students. Sometimes that's the only way to catch the whole message. THANKS again! Keep up the super work! You should get a bonus!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Finally a piece of news, even 2 that can go on here!! I'm so excited!! So the news.....
| Google WebM Calls "Open Source" Into Question |
| from the branding-is-everything dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday May 28, @16:33 (Open Source) |

[0]snydeq writes "As open source becomes mainstream, vendors are under
pressure to market their offerings using the 'open source' brand to the
highest degree possible — a trend that may [1]eventually degrade the
meaning of 'open source' as we know it, Savio Rodrigues writes. Witness
WebM, which Google has positioned as an open alternative to H.264. After
examining the software license, some in the open source community have
[2]questioned whether WebM should be classified as open source software.
Google did not use an OSI-approved license for WebM, meaning that, at
least in theory, WebM cannot be considered open source under the OSD —
the 'gold standard' by which many government and business open source
policies are defined. Moreover, when prodded for OSI review, Google
required that the OSI agree to '[3]changes to how OSI does licenses' as a
precursor to submitting a license for OSI review and approval. 'When
Google, one of the largest supporters of open source, goes out and
purposefully circumvents the OSI, what signal does this send to other
vendors? How important is using an OSI-approved license likely to be in
the future if other vendors follow Google's lead?'" An anonymous reader
adds: "It turns out that libvpx, Google's VP8 library, [4]isn't
compatible with the GPLv2. Google is apparently aware of the problem and
working on a solution.

Discuss this story at:


I thought that it was interesting that the rules for what is Open Source are being changed. I wonder if this benefits someone?

CERT Releases Basic Fuzzing Framework                                                        |
| from the this-field-cannot-be-left-blank dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday May 27, @20:53 (Security) |
| |

infoLaw passes along this excerpt from Threatpost: "Carnegie Mellon
University's [0]Computer Emergency Response Team has released a new
[1]fuzzing framework to help identify and eliminate security
vulnerabilities from software products. The Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF)
is described as a simplified version of automated dumb fuzzing. It
includes a Linux virtual machine that has been optimized for fuzz testing
and a set of scripts to implement a software test."

Discuss this story at:

I'm not that computer literate, so I'm still thinking on this one. I like the idea of making sure that the computer doesn't have threats that can get to it, but I'm a little wary about how all of this is happening. much to think about. Have a happy & safe Memorial Day Weekend.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Only by the help of my classmates have I gotten through the assignments that we have been working on. I understand that we need to learn new programs, but I also have supported my students through their learning. I've just moved back from overseas and am finding living a big transition. It makes me feel better to see that others are feeling as frustrated as I am, but it makes me wonder is there a better way? I know I'm just dealing with the frustration of something new and trying to learn how it works. I just hope that it gets better, easier, or more understandable.
Today was a real frustration!! Trying to make the Scopus work, I thought I was collecting all of my articles, then I took them to Ref Works and POOF!! They were GONE!!! I followed the directions, but it didn't matter the hours I spent were wasted! It was hard to refocus after that & I didn't get everything done that I needed to. It is good seeing the meshing of the 2 courses. It helps my brain to think of them connecting. I guess I'd better close there as I don't wast to become incoherent. Have a safe Memorial day weekend!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 3.....

Wa Hoo!! I got into the Chat Room, but I was there by myself. At least I know it works!!! In Thailand 5 is said ha, so if is something I have a tendency to put a line of 5s. To me it is laughing, 5555555555555. Just one of those strange things that I do from living overseas for 15 years. All that to say I just found the blog I started last week and then it disappeared!! 5555555

I'm frustrated with the RefWorks & Scopus. I can't seem to understand how they work. I think I understand how to get into them and find things, but trying to do the assignment is baffling me!! I read a Scopus blog a week or so ago about scientists doing experiments to make the mices' brains "younger." When my computer's harddrive went bad, just before classes began I had Dell send me a new one with everything preprogramed!! Is there a line for that with the information for these courses?? You know, the professor can push the button and all of the info from the lectures are photographically remembered. Oh, wouldn't that be nice!! 555555555 I'm not asking for genetically altered. I know "Go back to WORK!!!" Going to see if I can find some fun!! 55555555555 Hope you have a GREAT week!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I think I am running less..... I don't feel like I'm finding anything worthy of sharing. Are there websites that I'm missing?
My son's thoughts are all on school is almost over and I am thinking it has just begun!!!
We had a good weekend finding some perspective. He is looking forward to going to the cottage and that will be good for me too. Have a great week!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I don't know if the frustration is subsiding or feeling of being overwhelmed has just gotten to the point of desperation.... I feel better about some parts of class, but am still anxious about others. I don't know if I've gotten all of the computer programs and if they are working properly. I still have questions about some of the work and need to ask questions about that.
I did enjoy the lecture for this week. Hearing about the history between Bill Gates & Steve Jobs was very interesting. Going over the different parts of the computer was good, but do I have to fix the computer?? I'm not sure I'm that computer savvy!! I have more reading to do, so I'd better get it done!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well, getting the programs downloaded is almost done. I will be glad when that is done!! Some of the programs were difficult to download, while others were very easy. The amount of time to listen to the "articles" has been more than I expected. My mistake to think that I needed to find them first. I found that I could get it from the link when I went back to get info to look for it and found that it was really a link. Uugh!! I wish that I had seen that the first time I went looking for them. I'm not sure how much information from then really sunk in. I will probably have to listen to them again to be able to really benefit from having listened to them.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one that was feeling a bit challenged by this course. I must admit that part of my lack of techno-ease comes from the fact of living overseas for the past 15 years and having my computers at school and home cared for by the IT Dept. At school I wasn't allowed to do anything on the computer if it had a problem. At home it was very easy to take it to the same shop to be fixed normally within 30 minutes and very inexpensively if anything at all. I'm working at adding all of these sites and programs, but after just last week having the computer crash and burn it is a little scarey. The Dell guys are great over the phone and had the problem sorted out quickly, so that puts my mind at ease, I think. Hopefully everything will be running smoothly during the semester.

Friday, May 14, 2010



Sorry for changing my posting title, but I decided it was a smart idea. This is a new concept for me, there have been so many new ones in the recent years. The past few years have been about transitions and this program will help me to make another transition in my life, well hopefully. Changing countries, climates, types of foods could be so overwhelming and I guess I'm hoping it will be an interesting journey without too much pain. I was a teacher for 15 years in Bangkok, Thailand but I feel that I need to be able to focus more on my son than on grading papers. I have been volunteering at my son's school this year in the library and have had so much fun cataloging and organizing the books. I was able to make my first suggestion for purchase this month and the series was purchased!! I was so excited as I logged the books into the system. I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead. I hope the technical stuff isn't what causes the problems!! My computer crashed and burned right before class was to start, so I've been working on getting programs added to my harddrive.
My life is spent running after my son. This was taken on a 3 mile hike that he took for Cub Scouts before we went to the soccer game.


Hi! I'm glad to be part of the MLIS Cohort 10 group. My name is Kay Stillman-Steiner. I live in Indiana, PA. My 10-yr old son and I just moved back to the states from Bangkok, Thailand in June of 2009. We are still transitioning to this as well as many other changes in our lives. I lived and taught in Bangkok for 15 years at an International school. I taught in English, but learned a little bit of Thai. I look forward to the discussions in the classes.